KYCC COVID-19 Response — Hot Meals for Koreatown Elders

Food Delivery Donors
Abigail Stone | Adele Lim | Adrian Calderon | Ahree Song | Albert Jang |
Albert Lee | Alex Choi | Alena Kim | Alex Chen | Alex Christy |
Alex Dwyer | Alex Hughes | Alice Ju | Alice Okumura | Alicia Phang |
Alina Moffat | Alissa Gordon | Alma Martinez | Amanda Chakaroe | Amy Nam |
An Bui | Andrew Jorgensen | Andrew Jun | Angela Nikas | Angela Yoon |
Angie Kim | Anissa Zoelle | Ann Son Woods | Anna Hwang | Anonymous (63!) |
Anna Hwang | Anthony Van Eaton | Arnold Kim | Ashley Liu | Augusta Soeryadjaya |
Bank of America | Bera Roh | Berna Senemoglu | Blanca Padilla | Brian Minwoo Kim |
Brian Pak | Brittni Coleman |
Caitlin Adams | Cameron Smith | Camille Revilla | Chelsea Trinh | Chris Dalton |
Christiana Park | Christine Lee | Christine Lee | Christine Yoon | Christopher Kim |
Chung Uk Lee | Cindy MT | Claire Vela | Clara Kim | Claudio Rodriguez |
Coco Chen | Connor Tse | Cooke Sunoo | Cristian Jerez | Crystal Liu |
Crystal Stewart |
Daddy | Daejoon Kim | Dan Monick | Dan Neri | Dana Weiser |
Daniel Kim | Daniel Lee | Darlene Minas | David DiPietro | David Kim |
David Zayas | Dawn Henry | Dean Saehyung Shim | Debbie Fong | Dee Yeh |
Deepinder Sahni | Diana Lee | Duff Ferguson | Dylan Sittig |
Edison Park | Elizabeth Cates | Elizabeth Cordoba | Elizabeth Imperial | Ellen Beatty |
Emily Shin | Eric Lee | Eric Tang | Erica Suh | Erwin Mendoza |
Eun Seon Ha | Eunice Jeon | EunJi Yoo | Evelyn Balderas |
Francis Park |
Gabriela Carr | Georgia Lee | Gina Cogswell | Glena Donaghy | Glenn Davis |
Glen Lim | Grace Clark | Gwen Pham |
Harold Woo | Harry Park | Hayoung Lee | Hee Seung Lee | Henry Sim |
Herbert Parsons | Home | Hyeonjin Park | Hyoungjae Kim | Hyoungjae Kim |
Ian Hwang | Ingrid Jin | Insoo S Park | Irene Yim |
Jack Pfeiffer | Jade Chang | Jae Cho | Jae Hee Lee | Jae Hyun Choi |
Jae Jun Dokgo | Jain Choe | Jake Kim | Janet Lin | Jason Jaco |
Jason Lee | Jenna Nicholson | Jennifer Ahn | Jennifer Baylis | Jennifer Hwang |
Jennifer Kuida | Jenny Chun | Jenny Yang | Jesse Kimsey-Bennett | Jessica Chun |
Jessica Kim | Jessica Lee | Jessica Man | Ji Eun Lee | Jin Park |
Jinhyuk Byun | Jitsujo Gauthier | Jiwon Park | Joann Lee | Joe Choi |
John Garduno | John Kim | John Lee | John Shahin | John W. |
John Wait | Joo Yeon Kim | Joonho Yeo | Joshua Baek | Joyce Yeum |
Julia Gouw | Julia Yoon | Julie Phong | Juliet Oh | Justin Won |
K Freeman Lee | Karen Koh | Karen Manrique | Karyn Blackburn | Kathleen Rapp |
Katie Micay | Kaz Ando | Kevin Kim | Kil Son Cho | Kimberly Del Cid |
Kimberly Wang | Kourtney Kang | Kristie Kao | Kyung Kim |
Lana Cho | Lauren Bachman | Lauren Choy | Leilani Bituin-Belangue | Leslie Diaz |
Lesly Lara | Lily Tsong | Linda Baek | Linda Wang | Lisa Changadveja |
Lisa Ibrahim | Lisa P. | Lucas Dam |
Magan Wiles | Magnus Kim | Marvin Cute | Mary Kong | Matthew Maraia |
Matthew Martindale | Maximilian Jo | Melody Hahm | Michel Feldman | Michael Fong |
Michael Pak | Michelle Cho | Michelle Ng | Michelle Olson | Miguel Unzueta |
Mihwa Song | Mike Yang | Minae Yu | Mindy Dayton | Mitchel Katlin |
Myung Kim |
Nat & Robin Bernstein | New Creation Church | Nic Cha Kim | Nita Song |
Olivia Ting |
Pamela J Manzano | Patricia Watts | Paulo Pagsambugan | Pearl Rhee | Peter Chung |
Peter Yu | PJ Martinez |
Rachel Lim | Ralph Mendoza | Ray Koh | Raymond Dokgo | Raymond Naval |
Rebekah Miller | Rhonda Staver | Robert Kwon | Rox Chao-Templeman | Ryan Allen |
Sandra Lee | Sarah Camacho | Sarah Dahlen | Sarah Phillips | Shannon Suh |
So Y Lee | So Youn Kim | Song Cho | Soo Kim | Stephen Liu |
Sug Jeong | Sunni Won | Susan Torf | Suzy Husmann |
Taylor Eom | Ted Kim | Teddy Kapur | Teddy Zee | Teresa Hsiao |
Theodore Kim | Tiffany Taylor | Tony Nguyen | Tony Nguyen |
UCLA KASA | UC Davis, Sigma Kappa Rho |
Victoria Hyun | Victoria Yi | Vivian Bazley |
Wansun Song | Wayne Mello | Wendy Egyoku Nakao | Wendy Lee | Will Kim |
Will Tae |
Yancy Mauricio | Yong Kim | Young Lee | Youngjae Sung | Yuho Kim |
Yuki Armstrong | Yun Kook Chang |
Food Delivery Volunteers |
Participating Restaurants |
Abril Dozal | Arado |
Albert Lim | Caffé Concerto |
Art Li | Denny’s |
Dan Paek | Gonjiam Restaurant |
Edna Cedillos | Mamas International |
Frank Geraci | Nam Won Gol |
Inae Ha | Olympic Cheonggukjang |
Jen Ralls | Paseo Chapin |
Jennifer McGrogan | Un Solo Sol |
Jimin (Anne) Kim | Waba |
John Noh | WooRee |
Jonathan Mendez | |
Jordan Smith | |
Joshua Lee | |
Kim Le | |
Kimngan Nguyenle | |
Michaei Choi | |
Miles Kim Parr | |
Mimi Tomas | |
Minji Kang | |
Myrrh Raguro | |
Rae Jin | |
Sola Lee |
KYCC launched an emergency COVID-19 food delivery program and fundraising campaign in Koreatown. #KYCC❤️KTOWN will bring hot meals and groceries to isolated seniors and medically compromised residents.
Program partners include: Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Sterling Bank & Trust, Hanmi Bank, Councilmember Herb Wesson (CD10), and Councilmember David Ryu (CD4).
“With the “Safer-at-Home” order in effect in Los Angeles, we have fielded hundreds of requests from across the Koreatown community,” says KYCC Executive Director Johng Ho Song. “Our elders do not have access to food and supplies. Our businesses—the mom-and-pop restaurants that make up the heart of this community—were hit early and hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The outpouring of support has matched the calls for assistance. Through this coordinated effort, KYCC mobilized all of our available resources, from our hardworking staff to our community partners and stakeholders, to expedite this critical food drive and delivery program to our most vulnerable population. But this is equally an endeavor to support our local small businesses through this crisis.”
As funds and supplies increase, KYCC intends to expand the program to include more restaurant participants and delivery recipients.
With support from our longstanding government, corporate and community partners, KYCC will purchase hot meals from neighborhood restaurants that have been deeply impacted by government-mandated closures.
Meals will be delivered three times a week to limited-income seniors in Koreatown. KYCC staff and volunteers are delivering the meals and goods, while adhering to strict COVID-19 health guidelines.
In addition to the prepared meal delivery, KYCC will also deliver a bag of groceries and basic supplies, such as hand sanitizer, soap and toilet paper, once a week.
“From supporting seniors to small businesses to providing childcare services and low-income housing, KYCC is helping to take care of our most vulnerable neighbors and hardest-hit mom-and-pop restaurants during these unprecedented times,” says Councilmember Herb Wesson. “We’re proud to partner with KYCC as they expand their efforts to keep Koreatown healthy and whole as we confront this global crisis.”
“Part of KYCC’s mission is to serve the evolving needs of the Koreatown community,” says Councilmember David Ryu. “During the Coronavirus public health emergency, we are working quickly alongside KYCC to ensure that our elders and small businesses are not neglected, but rather provided with assistance and relief.”
“KYCC knows to quickly mobilize and assist our community in times of crisis. Their Community Economic Services developed in the wake of 1992 Los Angeles Riots, which devastated small businesses in the neighborhood. Today, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hanmi Bank is proud to partner with KYCC to help those with the greatest needs,” says Hanmi Bank’s President Bonnie Lee.
Important resources, such as Census and tax information, and employment and tenancy rights, will also be included.
Elder participants will be interviewed and surveyed regularly by youth program participants in continuation of KYCC’s Intergenerational Initiative.
An online fundraising campaign #KYCC❤️KTOWN is being launched to raise funds to provide for more small business and elder support in Koreatown. $10=One Hot Meal/Grocery Bag.
Food items already donated include: 2,000 pounds of rice (Anonymous), 3,000 bananas (Chiquita Brands International), 100 Hot Meals (Island Restaurants), 26 boxes of diapers, and hundreds of care packages from Hwarang Youth Foundation and Karsh Center.