Free Tax Prep LA

KYCC’s Volunteer Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, provided by our Community Economic Development Unit, offers free tax help to people who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals.
Filing your taxes can get you access to cashback tax credits and stimulus payments. Eligible individuals may be entitled to up to $10,000 in Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, CalEITC, Young Child Tax Credit, and additional federal stimulus payments. ITIN filers are also newly eligible for state tax credits and stimulus payments. Don’t delay to file – claim your money today.
There are Free Tax Prep LA sites across the County of Los Angeles. Click here to find an open site near you or to access free tax preparation software.
KYCC operates free tax preparation services at two locations: Koreatown Youth and Community Center and Menlo Family Apartments. You must schedule your appointment at or call 323-909-1975.
For the most recent updates please follow us on all our social channels @FreeTaxPrepLA.