Free Trees

Residents who live on tree-lined streets or in homes that rest under the leaves of a mature tree have cleaner air to breathe, lower electric bills, and higher property values. Urban trees remove air pollution, conserve water, and reduce energy consumption. For more tree benefits, click here.
Free Street Trees
Since 2000, KYCC has planted more than 10,000 free street trees for residents in the city of Los Angeles. Every tree we plant is carefully selected to fit the space provided, and is adapted to our dry climate, thereby reducing its water needs. KYCC handles all city permitting, ordering, and planting. Residents are asked to commit to the watering and maintaining the newly planted tree. Click here to sign up for a free street tree.
For questions about our free tree programs, please contact Valerie Mireles at or (213) 365-7400 Ext. 5400.
Free Trees For Your Home
Through our partnership with Los Angeles CityPlants, residents can adopt up to seven free trees for their property. Click here to learn more about how to adopt your trees and have them delivered directly to your property.