Menlo Family Center

The Menlo Family Apartments, located on the Koreatown/Pico-Union border in Los Angeles, opened in March 2013. The building, which houses nearly 300 residents in 60 units, is a certified “green” building that features over 5,000 square feet of service space and community rooms on the ground floor in the Menlo Family Center.

Services are provided by KYCC and include after-school programs, life skills training, financial literacy and parenting workshops, and mental health counseling and treatment.

The Menlo Family Apartments provides housing for formerly homeless families, families with a history of mental illness, and transition-aged youth. By stating our intention to serve three different groups, KYCC and the Little Tokyo Service Center came up with a creative funding concept that joined public and private resources to get the project built. Funders included the City of Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

For more information, please contact Chivas Mays at or call (213) 365-7400.
