Unemployment Insurance – EDD Resources (ENGLISH)
Unemployment Insurance (UI)
- If your child’s school is closed, and you have to miss work to be there for them
- If your employer has reduced your hours or shut down operations due to COVID-19
- Maximum 26 weeks (potentially 39 weeks for COVID-19)
- Eligible individuals can receive benefits that range from $40-$450 per week
- Waives the one-week unpaid waiting period, so you can collect UI benefits for the first week you are out of work
File an Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim online through UI Online: https://www.edd.ca.gov/Unemployment/UI_Online.htm
When To Submit A Claim:
- File client’s UI claim in the first week that client loses the job or has their hours reduced. Client’s claim begins on the Sunday of the week client submitted the application.
- If a client previously filed a UI claim within the last 52 weeks and have not exhausted their benefits, the client must reopen their claim to resume benefits.
Required Client Information
- First and last name
- Social Security card
- Driver License number
- Phone Number
- Alien Registration number/Employment Authorization Document (if you’re not a U.S. Citizen) and its expiration date
Required Client’s Last Employer Information
- Name of Company (As it appears on pay check stub or W-2 form)
- Physical Address
- Phone Number
- Supervisor’s Name
- Total Gross Income earned
- Last date worked
- Regular Duties
- Reasons why working reduced hours or no longer employed
Required Client’s Employment History in the LAST 18 months
- Name of ALL employer (as appear on pay check stub or W-2 form) for last 18 months
- Period of employment (Start Date and End Date)
- Wages earned and how often paid (hourly, semi-weekly, monthly)
Approx. benefit amount
- Based on the last 6-18 months, as a four-quarter base period
If you claim on March 2020, your base period would be from October 2018 to September 2019. -
If you were paid $1,000 per month $116 per week If you were paid $2,000 per month $231 per week If you were paid $3,000 per month $347 per week If you were paid $4,000 or more per month $450 per week
PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) Program
- A brief update on applying for Unemployment Insurance Claim with PUA Program: FILING EDD ONLINE – PUA Program
File an Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim online through https://www.edd.ca.gov/Unemployment/UI_Online.htm
PDF version of the Application: https://www.edd.ca.gov/pdf_pub_ctr/1101i/de1101id.pdf