Daniel Lawrence
Daniel Lawrence tutors 6th – 12th grade after-school youth program participants at KYCC. A little over two years ago, KYCC’s Wilton site opened its doors for an evening study program to help make sure that those who needed additional help were able to get the support and attention they needed. Late Night Study Night (LNSN) offers tutoring, workshops, and a safe study space for 6th– 12thgrade students who need a little extra help or just a quiet and safe place to study every Tuesday from 6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
“When we first opened our doors, we weren’t always able to help students with questions about advanced math and science, so we were extremely lucky when Daniel Lawrence reached out to KYCC to volunteer with us, and the timing was perfect because the program was quickly growing” remarked former Youth Services Manager Ernie Yoshikawa.
Daniel’s math skills are exceptional, but even more importantly he’s great at patiently breaking down difficult math concepts, and knows how to connect with students. Jaimie Lee, a LNSN regular shares, “Daniel is actually a mathematical genius. He teaches me complex calculus concepts in a matter of hours and makes sure I fully grasp the fundamental before moving on. Also, he’s really amazing at chess!! Whenever Daniel walks into the LNSN classroom, he’s greeted loudly and cheerfully by students who have been waiting for his arrival to get help with their most difficult questions. Without a doubt, Daniel’s presence and support to our LNSN has helped the program grow and thrive over the years. It’s volunteers like Daniel who truly make a difference at KYCC.