On April 27, 2024 KYCC Prevention Education’s Coalition for Prevention and Awareness in LA (CoPALM), collaborated with Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and Behavioral Health Services for National Prescription Drug Takeback Day hosted at LAPD Olympic Police Station, where they were able to engage with 18 community members and collect over 28 pounds of expired and unused medication.

The Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) National Prescription Drug Takeback Day first began on September 25, 2010, to reflect on the DEA’s commitment to Americans’ safety and health, encouraging the public to remove unneeded medications from their homes as a measure of preventing medication misuse and opioid addiction from ever starting. Ever since, the day has become an annual event that happens twice per year, in April and October.
National Prescription Drug Takeback Day is a day for individuals in the community to drop off their expired or unused medications. The purpose of the event is to promote safe disposal of medications for the safety of others and the community by preventing drug abuse, misuse, and overdose.

Parents in the community expressed that proper disposal of medications was something they weren’t quite familiar with. They also mentioned having knowledge of the existing drop off locations in the community was good information to have on hand.
“I’ve been mostly reflecting on the outreach we did vs the turn out. As a whole, the DEA’s National Takeback Day(s) is not something that is recognized outside of our field. It makes you question the “national” aspect but also highlights the need for these initiatives to be publicized year round maybe. Overall, I really enjoyed talking to the community!” says Jeniffer Sernas, KYCC’s Prevention Education Staff.

CoPALM is dedicated to preventing substance use and fostering a supportive environment for the community at large. Through collaboration, education, and community engagement, CoPALM strives to empower communities to make informed choices that lead to lasting impact and build a foundation for health and wellness.
This program was funded by LA County Department of Public Health’s Substance Abuse Prevention and Control