On March 20, 2019, 27 youth volunteers planted and watered 11 new trees in the front lawn of the Menlo Family Apartments as part of the Menlo Beautification Project. Student volunteers from KYCC’s Elementary Tutorial Program (ETP) and Advancing Youth through Community Empowerment (AYCE) learned about KYCC’s Environmental Services program, tree planting and maintenance. “The event was a nice break from the usual routine and the kids really took pride in helping out. Some of our students started naming the tree they helped plant,” said a Menlo staff member.
KYCC works with over 500 students every year. KYCC’s ETP program provides academic support, group enrichment actives and life skills workshops for students to grow in self-confidence and build healthy relationships with peers. AYCE is an after school program for high school students from the Koreatown and Pico-Union neighborhoods that meets weekly to discuss real-life issues such as drug and alcohol use, relationships and family issues.
Two years ago, Menlo Family Apartments planted apple trees and xeriscaped the front lawn. Located on the Koreatown and Pico-Union border of Los Angeles, the building houses nearly 300 residents and is a certified “green” building.
If you are a resident of Los Angeles city and interested in receiving a free street tree, please click here. For questions about our free tree programs, please contact Clarissa Boyajian at cboyajian@kyccla.org or (213) 365-7400 Ext. 5401.