On Tues., Dec. 5, 2018 KYCC’s Prevention Education (PE) Unit joined forces with members of their Coalition to Prevent Alcohol Related Harms in Los Angeles Metro and Los Angeles Drug and Alcohol Policy Alliance partners to oppose the Los Angeles City’s Restaurant Beverage Program Ordinance. This proposed ordinance shortens the processing times and lowers costs for eligible restaurant applicants applying for alcohol licenses. All applicants must accept and adhere to a list of conditions that the City requires in order to be eligible for this program. 

KYCC Prevention Education staff along with parents and community members from Madres Que Luchón de Hoover and No Mas Licorerías marched in front of Los Angeles City Hall East and along Main Street early Tuesday morning. Over 35 community members joined the rally and provided personal testimonies in opposition to this ordinance at the public hearing. Many expressed concerns about the lack of public input and the lack of community voice in the alcohol streamlining process. Protesters stated that as taxpaying citizens, they should have a say in the types of businesses that come into their neighborhoods, especially if they can cause public nuisance and affect public health and safety.

The ordinance was introduced summer of 2018.


